IBERSOL • 2023 Integrated Management Report

Consolidated Financial Statements The investment in 2023 of around 29.3 million euros essentially relates to the opening of 10 KFCs, 5 Taco Bell, 3 Pizza Huts, 1 Pans and the new concessions for the Airports of Spain, Madrid, Malaga, Lanzarote and Tenerife (note 8.3). In 2022, the investment of around 40.4 million euros relates to the opening of 19 KFC, 5 Taco Bell, 5 Pizza Hut and 4 Pans. The remainder relates to Burger King units. The currency translation amount is the result of the strong devaluation of the kwanza in 2023. The value of the decreases in 2022 essentially corresponds to the effect of the sale of Burger King, in the amount of 88,941,949 euros. The transfer to discontinued op- erations concerns Burger King restaurants located in concessions, essentially Service Areas. An impairment in the amount of 2.5 million euros was recognized and an impairment reversal of around 1 million euros was recognized, as per note 6.5.2. The value of tangible assets in progress on 31 December 2023, in the amount of €4.9 million euros, refers to investments incurred for future openings. The value of the transfers essentially refers to assets transferred to investment proper- ties (see note 6.8), relating to restaurants operated by Burger King. In 2022, an impairment of 2.5 million euros was recognized and an impairment reversal of around 1 million euros. In 2023, the impairment recorded is 431 thousand euros, as per note 6.5.2. Under the expansion and development contracts with the brands, the Group under- took to invest in tangible and intangible fixed assets associated with new store open- ings and refurbishments, as per note 10.4. Of the 10 openings under the KFC develop- ment contract for Portugal, one unit was moved to the 2024 opening plan, not putting into question the continuity of the expansion plan. 6.4. Right of use assets Accounting policies Initial recognition and measurement A lease is defined as a contract or part of a contract that conveys the right to use an asset for a certain period of time in exchange for consideration. The Group’s leases respect, fundamentally, lease agreements for stores and commercial spaces and for the equipment used in these spaces. The Group is also a lessee in con- tracts for the leasing of vehicles and other equipment. More than 90% of leasing con- 446