IBERSOL • 2023 Integrated Management Report

INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 2023 The Ibersol Group’s Sustainability Programme aims to improve the Group’s ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance, ensuring the creation of shared value with stakeholders, guaranteeing compliance with regulatory requirements in terms of corporate sustainability and maintaining the high levels of quality, effectiveness, efficiency and notoriety that have always been associated with its restaurant operations. As a result, one of the first initiatives undertaken, back in 2022, was to select the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to prioritise within the scope of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, taking into account a detailed analysis of the specific targets set for each SDG and their comparison with the Ibersol Group’s specific activities, as well as with the options of other relevant market players. Commitment to the Unitd Nations 2030 Agenda 45