IBERSOL • 2023 Integrated Management Report
Consolidated Financial Statements 6.8. Investment Property Accounting policies The Group classifies as investment properties in the consolidated financial statements properties held with the aim of capital appreciation and/or obtaining income from third parties. An investment property is initially measured at its acquisition or production cost, including transaction costs that are directly attributable to it. After initial recognition, investment properties are measured at cost less amortization and accumulated impairment losses. Subsequent costs with investment properties are only added to the cost of the asset if it is likely that they will result in future economic benefits in addition to those considered at initial recognition. Depreciations The depreciation of investment properties is calculated using the straight-line method, in or- der to allocate its cost to its residual value, depending on its estimated useful life. Investment properties, which total 12,839,749 euros and 8,470,400 euros, respectively, on 31 December 2023 and 2022 relate to real estate assets where 9 Burger King restaurants oper- ate (called “carve-ins”, see note 6.7). These assets were leased to Burger King Portugal, with rents amounting to 638,684 euros in 2023. Group of assets and liabilities classified as held for sale 2023 2022 Tangible Fixed Assets 3 485 989 3 372 206 Intangible Assets 353 546 353 546 Right of use 2 037 157 1 703 145 Group of assets classified as held for sale 5 876 692 5 428 897 Lease liabilities -1 833 086 -1 880 146 Group of assets classified as held for sale -1 833 086 -1 880 146 Net value of assets and liabilities classified as held for sale 4 043 606 3 548 751 460
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