IBERSOL • 2023 Integrated Management Report

INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 2023 Typology Acquisition Date Due Date Amount as of 31/12/2022 Purchase of TB TB reimburse- ment Exchange rate effect Chage in impairment losses Amount as of 31/12/2023 Gross annual return non- readjustable 05/05/2021 28/02/2023 170 356 - -172 031 -72 697 1 675 - 17% non- readjustable 04/10/2021 21/04/2023 202 664 - -119 600 -87 529 4 466 - 16% non- readjustable 25/05/2021 08/07/2023 218 705 - -131 941 -96 560 9 796 - 16% non- readjustable 24/11/2021 31/07/2024 111 521 - - -66 417 12 581 57 685 17% indexed to USD 21/09/2022 15/03/2024 83 867 - - -3 568 2 460 82 759 5% non- readjustable 06/09/2022 14/03/2024 345 948 - - -160 344 21 663 207 266 17% non- readjustable 19/09/2022 31/07/2024 167 671 - - -79 897 12 581 100 356 17% indexed to USD 06/05/2021 31/08/2024 314 577 - - -38 492 11 367 287 452 7% non- readjustable 06/10/2022 14/03/2024 434 755 -201 411 26 626 259 971 17% Total TB Current 2 050 064 - -423 573 -806 915 103 215 995 489 non- readjustable 15/12/2022 15/03/2025 259 179 - - -77 289 8 695 190 585 19% non- readjustable 15/12/2022 05/04/2025 161 172 - - -82 165 9 326 88 334 17% non- readjustable 15/12/2022 11/03/2026 171 133 - - -123 795 13 516 60 854 17% non- readjustable 06/10/2022 11/03/2026 427 310 - - -204 358 22 527 245 478 19% Total TB Non-Current 1 018 794 - - -487 607 54 064 585 250 Treasury bond changes In 2023 and 2022 changes in treasury bonds are presented as follows: 479