IBERSOL • 2023 Integrated Management Report

Consolidated Financial Statements Tax losses carried forward The detail of tax losses carried forward from Spain is presented as follows: 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Spain 26 228 6 397 116 23 141 511 10 266 814 39 831 670 Total 26 228 6 397 116 23 141 511 10 266 814 39 831 670 Regarding the tax losses carried forward from Spain, with no expiration date for de- duction, detailed above, the Group did not recognize deferred tax assets on tax losses carried forward generated in Spain amounting to 5,611,192 euros (corresponding to a deferred tax amount of 1,402,798 euros), as there is no reasonable assurance as to the recoverability of such tax losses carried forward. In the analysis of the recoverability of deferred tax assets, the Group took into con- sideration the best estimates of future taxable income projections and the existence of taxable temporary differences against which tax losses, tax credits and deductible temporary differences can be used. Business plans were prepared which, considering the Spanish taxation rules and the specificities of the group of companies, formed the basis for the recoverability assess- ment. The business plans were approved by management and are based on projections from external entities, such as Eurocontrol in the case of traffic, as well as being consist- ent with the business plans that served as the basis for the impairment analyses of the Group’s assets. Deferred tax assets relating to tax losses carried forward are presented as follows: Limit year of use unlimited Total Reportable tax losses Spain 45 442 861 45 442 861 Deferred tax assets Spain 10 803 225 10 803 225 9.2.2. Deferred tax liabilities The detail of deferred tax liabilities at 31 December 2023 and 2022, according to the jurisdiction and temporary differences that generated them, is as follows: 488