IBERSOL • 2023 Integrated Management Report
INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT REPORT 2023 dec/2023 Deferred tax liabilities Portugal Angola TOTAL Tax losses carried forward -60 007 - -60 007 Homogenization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and Hyperinflationary Economies (IAS 29) 5 071 322 460 099 5 531 421 Deductible temporary differences (IFRS16) - -27 478 -27 478 Other temporary differences -2 635 717 -38 317 -2 674 034 2 375 598 394 304 2 769 902 dec/2022 Deferred tax liabilities Portugal Angola TOTAL Tax losses carried forward - - - Homogenization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and Hyperinflationary Economies (IAS 29) 4 543 332 2 947 395 7 490 726 Deductible temporary differences (IFRS16) - -50 116 -50 116 Other temporary differences -3 059 410 -77 637 -3 137 047 1 483 922 2 819 641 4 303 563 Homogenization of tangible and intangible fixed assets Deferred taxes that correspond to the difference between the net value of tangible and intangible fixed assets considered in the individual financial statements of the subsidiar- ies and the net value they contribute in the consolidated. Other temporary differences Other temporary differences amount, essentially, refers to unused tax benefits. At 31 December 2023, there are 88,200 euros of tax benefits associated with the capital in- crease and 2,502,080 euros of undeducted tax benefits to be used in subsequent years: 1,039,155 euros of RFAI for 2022, 788,515 euros of RFAI for 2023, 223,488 euros of CFEI II (89,303 euros deductible up to 2025 and 134,185 euros up to and including 2026) and 450,922 euros of IFR (deductible up to and including 2027). It should be noted that RFAI credits have a reporting period of 10 tax periods, a period which was suspended during the 2020 tax period and during the following tax period, under Law no. 21/2021, of April 21. 489
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