IBERSOL | 2019 Sustainability Report

CORPORATE PROFILE GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONAL STRUCTUREL Ibersol – SGPS, S.A. Is a publicly-traded company with a share capi- tal of EUR 36,000,000, with registered offices at Edifício Península, Praça do Bom Sucesso, no. 105 to 159 – 9th floor, 4150-146 Porto. It is registered at the Porto Companies Registration Office under single corporate registration and taxpayer number 501669477. The company is governed by the following Governing Bodies: · Shareholders’ General Meeting; · Board of Directors, comprising three directors, two of whom are part of the Executive Committee; · Audit Committee; · Statutory Auditor. The Shareholders’ General Meeting convenes annually to discuss the year’s financial statements and the opinion of the management and supervisory bodies. The business strategy and goals of Ibersol group’s various affiliates are defined by the Executive Committee, in collaboration with the Central Departments and the departments of each business, as well as those of Shared Services. Results are regularly assessed every quarter. Similarly, major decisions are taken monthly by the Execu- tive Committee, after consulting with the Ibersol group’s Operating Departments. Ibersol group’s operating structure Ibersol group’s management is results-oriented, by monitoring indi- cators and objectives, and is based on action programmes and plans aimed at continuous improvement to increase the efficiency and effec- tiveness of key processes and operations, in order to keep costs down, minimise waste and increase productivity, return and satisfaction. 16