IBERSOL | 2019 Sustainability Report
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 > Reactive Power Electrical equipment (motors, compressors, etc...) need reactive power to operate, which does not produce work. The excessive consumption of reactive power, associated with low power factor values, has its disadvantages: • Reduces the useful life of equipment; • Penalised in electricity bills by the power company; • Under-utilisation of the installed capacity. This power was offset in stores by installing a set of capacitors. > On/Off Control Plan In 2019, the On/Off Control Plan continued to be implemented, which includes several good energy efficiency practices. With this plan, the idea is to switch off electrical equipment when not in use for some time, and delay switching on electrical equipment, knowing in ad- vance how long the equipment needs to reach the desired tempera- tures. As these are measures that do not imply any investment, the return is immediate. During off-peak hours, we chose to switch off the air-conditioning system, the new air extraction machines and ex- haust machines and the outdoor lighting, through automatic support systems with timers. > Cooling systems The Group’s fittings comprise cupboards, counters and fridges. The energy efficiency of these cooling systems implies reducing the energy consumed, without compromising the quality of the stored products. To minimise the thermal load, products are introduced at storage temperature to reduce cooling needs. To avoid wide variations in temperature, when opening and closing the door of the cooling equipment, eCubes were installed. eCubes have a gel in them that acts as a food simulator and are connected 45
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