IBERSOL | 2019 Sustainability Report

ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE to the temperature control sensors of the fridges and freezers. As the sensors are in contact with the gel (which is the simulated tempera- ture of the food), the control systems activate the evaporators and cooling compressors. The cycles of the cooling/freezing cabinets are therefore significantly reduced (on average by 66%). Correctly read- ing the temperature of the food reduces the need for the compres- sors to start up, thereby helping to reduce electricity consumption, which varies between 10% and 30%. > HVAC and Exhaust Systems At Ibersol Group restaurants, air renewal is done through mechanical ventilation systems with supply and extraction fans. Fresh air is intro- duced through the return plenum of the air conditioning units. When operating, air conditioning systems represent a significant cost, which is directly related to the set-point defined for operation of the systems. By adjusting the operating temperature to a more suitable setting (18ºC in winter and 25ºC in summer), which is a cost-free measure, we saved 7% in energy consumption. Variable speed drives were installed for exhaust and smoke extrac- tion fans. These drives help reduce energy consumption by an aver- age of 20% to 25% and, because the power factor does not need to be controlled, they also help reduce the use of reactive power, ulti- mately leading to a savings in the respective cost in electricity bills. Variable speed drives also help extend the useful like of a motor, as they lessen mechanical stress. 46