IBERSOL | 2019 Sustainability Report

SOCIAL PERFORMANCE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE People development at the Ibersol Group has made significant quali- tative leaps, and is of growing importance in the job market. Employ- ability events have been improved, with a reworked and bolder im- age in line with the Ibersol culture and values. At a time of constant and increasingly rapid digital transformation, the Ibersol Group has consolidated its presence on social media, by creating and feeding business profiles on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. These profiles allow us to be even closer to our stakehold- ers, letting them know where we are and where we are headed, with loyalty and transparency. And because we are experts in well-being, we’ve also improved our talent retention strategies. Touted as a “School for Life”, the company invests in the continu- ous training of its people. This investment is embodied by the Iber- sol Academy, an international, inclusive and modern academy that equips employees in the different countries with the skills currently sought after in the market. We also renewed our partnership with one of the most prestigious business schools in Portugal, the Porto Busi- ness School, co-designing initial and continued training programmes for employees with high development potential and who hold key positions within the organisation. 54