IBERSOL | 2019 Sustainability Report

SOCIAL PERFORMANCE EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING In order to understand the needs and perception of employees re- garding the organisation, the Ibersol Group conducts the annual sur- vey “Have a Say” to gauge the motivation and satisfaction of Ibersol operations employees in Portugal. The results from each unit, received from the management and coordination teams and the respective HR Business Partners, are used to design specific action plans to improve the indicators. The 2019 survey was conducted in May with a participation rate of 77%, corresponding to nearly 4,500 professionals. In 2019, Ibersol also achieved a “truly positive” evaluation from its em- ployees in all areas under review. “Training” and “Relationship with the Line Manager” are the areas which best met the expectations of the internal audience, in the same period. At the same time, and to provide additional information, “Have a Say” also includes an open question for employees to share their concerns or suggest improvements. In this regard, 1,092 open comments were received in 2019. Note: results of the “Have a Say” Survey 1,49 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0 1,29 1,21 1,00 Engagement with Leaders Training Engagement with co-workers 1,16 Satisfaction 1,13 1,12 Performance and Feedback Comunication and Information Working Conditions 66