IBERSOL | 2019 Sustainability Report

SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TIES TO THE COMMUNITY In pursuit of its own sustainability values and principles, the Ibersol Group continues to play an active role in promoting initiatives that in- clude its surrounding communities. As a precursor to the concept of modern food service, driven by a commitment to customer service excellence and continued employee development, the Ibersol Group has never forgotten its responsibility as a participatory agent in the society it is a part of. As such, its policy is to be present in the vari- ous sectors of society through charity events, donations, training and other kinds of initiatives. PORTO de FUTURE Launched by the Porto City Council to bring civil society and the school community together, the “Porto de Futuro” (Porto of the Fu- ture) programme has had the Ibersol Group as its partner from the outset. As part of this partnership, several initiatives have already been held with various partner companies, children and adolescents from the school groupings in the northern region included in the pro- gramme. 72