Pans & Company ended year 2012 with 58 units and 380
employees; sales volume stood at 17.5 million euros.
Over the course of the year the brand closed 2 units and
reorganized the Norteshopping unit, introducing the
brand’s new international image inspired by Mediterra-
nean environments and flavours. We thus began a new
renewal cycle that aims to meet the growing demands
of present-day consumers.
To strengthen its position as a specialist and reference
brand in the sandwich segment, in 2012 Pans & Com-
pany carried out several innovation campaigns, giving
its customers the chance to try unique tastes with new
recipes and different kinds of bread. Pans sandwiches
are a modern, fun, multi-format and multi-taste way to
have a balanced and tasty meal.
Parallel to this, we expanded the product range to ad-
just what we offer to meet growing demand for propos-
als with more value for money.
During an especially adverse period, Pans & Company
reviewed all internal processes in 2012. This served to
improve efficiency levels and minimize the negative ef-
fects of the current situation.
Pans sandwiches are a modern, fun,
multi-format and multi-taste way to have
a balanced and tasty meal.