IBERSOL - Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts - 2012 - page 88

Corporate Governance Report
This present report contains a description of the IB-
ERSOL SGPS, SA. structure and Corporate Governance
practices ( “Corporate Governance”), was drawn up to
comply with the provisions stated by the 245th - A arti-
cle of the Corporate Governance Code of the Securities
Market Commission [CMVM – Comissão do Mercado de
Valores Mobiliários], on appliance of the CMVM Regula-
tion nº 1/2010 on the Governance of Listed Companies,
adopting the dispositions and the recommendatory
practice set in the CMVM Corporate Governance Code,
according with the previsions introduced in January
2010 - regulation that is available for consultation at
the CMVM site
Chapter 0. Statement of
IBERSOL SGPS, SA. is a quoted company ruled under
Portuguese law, issuer of shares admitted to trading on
the regulated market Euronext Lisbon, submitted to le-
gal dispositions of the Portuguese legal system, namely
the legal framework of it´s corporate governance, also
as stated on the Commercial Societies Code ( CSC), the
Securities Code, CMVM Regulation nº 1/2010 over the
Corporate Governance, as well as adopting the recom-
mendations of the Corporate Governance Code of the
Securities Market Commission according with the previ-
sions introduced in January 2010, in
The Company follows the CMVM Code of Govern-
ance for Listed Companies, namely through the applica-
tion of CMVM Regulation nº 1/2010. This regulation and
the recommendations are available for consultation on
the CMVM website, at
0.2 Detailed description of the recommendations
contained in the Corporate Governance Code that
have or have not been adopted. Recommendations
that are not fully met are understood to be non-im-
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