IBERSOL - Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts - 2012 - page 97

is held.
On the Company’s website are available to the share-
holders the minutes of the General Meeting in the men-
tioned term, as well as a simple statistic about the num-
ber of present shareholders, agenda and resolutions
taken in the last five years.
I.14. Existence of a historical in the company’s web-
site over the resolutions taken in the General Meet-
ings, the share capital represented and the voting
results with reference to the previous three years.
There are available to the shareholders on the Com-
pany’s website the minutes of the General Meeting, the
share capital represented and the voting results refer-
ring to the previous five years.
I.16. Information upon the intervention of the Gener-
al Meeting on matters concerning the remuneration
policy of the company and the performance evalua-
tion of the members of the Board of Directors.
The remunerations policy for the governing bodies is
the responsibility of the Remuneration’s Committee,
which in 2013 will submit that policy at the Sharehold-
ers General Meeting approval.
The working agenda of the Annual General Meeting has
included a point addressed to an overall evaluation of
the company’s administration and supervision, in com-
pliance with the provisions of art. 376 nº1 al. c) of the
CSC (Companies Code ).
I.17. Information upon the General’s Meeting inter-
vention over the proposal concerning plans to allot
shares and / or options to acquire shares, or based
on price changes for the shares, to members of the
board, supervisory and other directors, within the
meaning of paragraph 3 of Article 248 B of the Se-
curities Code, and on the evidence provided to the
General Meeting with a view to their correct evalu-
ating of those plans.
There were no proposals to the General Meeting over
plans to allot shares and/or any other kind or modality
of shares attribution such as referred above.
I.18. Information upon the General’s Meeting inter-
vention on the approval of the main characteristic
of the retirement benefits that board of directors
members, supervisory and other directors may ben-
efit, within the meaning of paragraph 3 of Article
248 B of the Securities Code.
There was not raised, submitted or accepted any pro-
posal or resolution in the general meeting in the sense
and / or the content displayed.
I.19 Existence of a statutory rule which provides for
the duty to impose at least every five years, the res-
olution of the general assembly, maintenance and
removal of statutory rule which provides for limit-
ing the number of votes capable of holding or exer-
cise by a single shareholder individually or in con-
cert with other shareholders.
There is no statutory rule in the mentioned sense – such
as limiting the number of votes capable of holding or
exercising by any shareholder.
I.20. Indication of the defensive measures that are
intended to immediately instigate asset erosion in
cases such as changes in the control or to the com-
position of the Board of Directors.
There are no defensivemeasures in the Company whose
effect would be to automatically cause a serious erosion
of the Company’s assets in case of change of control,
or change of composition of the Board of Directors, at
any terms or conditions and independently of any tem-
poral or factual moment – so, by nature, it involves the
non existence of eventual measures that will operate in
a previous moment to a potential takeover bid. There
are no voting caps or shareholders agreements, or any
other kind of measures or means that will limit, in any
way, the transfer of shares.
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