Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2015
No significant events worthy of note occurred up to this report’s
approval date, with the exception of the negotiation of the extension
of the franchise contract with Pans until 2021 and the conclusion
of the agreement with Ascendi regarding compensation for the
effects of the introduction of tolls on previously toll-free roads,
which will correspond to an annual financial contribution linked to
traffic evolution.
In compliance with article 245 section 1 paragraph a) of the Securities
Code we declare that to the best of our knowledge:
- themanagement report, annual accounts and other account rende-
ring documents of Ibersol SGPS, S.A., required by law or regulation
and with reference to the financial year of 2015 were drawn up in
compliance with applicable accounting standards and provide a
true and fair view of the assets and liabilities, financial situation and
results of Ibersol SGPS, S.A. and the companies included within the
consolidation perimeter; and
- the information contained in the management report faithfully
shows the evolution of the businesses, performance and position
of Ibersol SGPS, S.A. and the companies included within the con-
solidation perimeter, providing a description of the main risks and
uncertainties they face.