Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2015
This business area includes the spaces that are not operated by the
group under a concession contract, namely: SerralvesMuseum, Casa
da Música, VOG Tecmaia, Exponor and Campanhã Railway Station.
All the units that make up this business have very different charac-
teristics, not only in terms of the public that frequents thembut also
in terms of the needs that they aim to meet.
Based on these different targets, it is necessary to design an adjus-
ted offer that is able to meet their expectations, seeking to exceed
them whenever possible.
The Blue Café, in Campanhã, and VOG unitsmaintain their certification
in the ISO 22000 quality standard. In addition, and in a pioneer way
in the Group, the VOG unit succeeded in obtaining the certifications
in the demanding ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards.