President – Dr.ª Luzia Leonor Borges e Gomes Ferreira:
Vice-President – Dr. Joaquim Alexandre de Oliveira e
Silva: 8.785,92€;
Member – Dr. António Maria de Borda Cardoso:
The general principles
observed are mainly the legal
ones, attending the activities effectively performed by
the mentioned members, regarding the company’s eco-
nomic performance and the conditions that are gener-
ally attended in equal positions. The functions in analy-
ses were considered taking in order each one of those
members and it’s effective activities, having for evalua-
tive parameter the degree of responsibility which they
are assigned to.
So, the functions consideration is meant in a wide sense,
attending to distinct factors, such as the level of the
committed responsibility, expended time, and the value
increased to the group by it’s institutional performance,
The company’s dimension and the level of complexity
related to the nominated functions, is, also, a relevant
criteria. The consideration of all mentioned factors and
the evaluation of each one of them, allows us to assure,
not only the statutory body member’s benefits, but also,
namely, the company’s benefit.
The remuneration policy
submitted to the sharehold-
ers complies with the criteria above mentioned, consist-
ing in an annual gross fixed amount issued monthly to
the mentioned members until the year-ends results. In
the settlement of the remunerations, the general prin-
ciples above described were attended: functions per-
formed by them, company’s performance and compara-
tive criteria to equal level functions.
OPorto, 1
April 2013.
The Remuneration Committee,
Vítor Pratas Sevilhano, Dr.
Amândio Mendonça da Fonseca, Dr.
Don Alfonso Munk Pacin.