IBERSOL - Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts - 2012 - page 122

Corporate Governance Report
or superior to five percent of consolidated net assets of
Ibersol SGPS, SA.
III. 14. Description of statistical information (num-
ber, mean and maximum value) relating to the busi-
ness subject to the prior intervention of the super-
visory board.
It was not reported to the Audit Committee any transac-
tion or business of the indicated type.
III. 15. Indicating the release on the website of the
company, annual reports on the activities of the Gen-
eral Council and Supervisory Commission for finan-
cial issues, the Audit Committee and the Supervisory
Board, including information on any pained faced to-
gether with the documents of accountability.
This Report of the Audit Committee is available on the
company website on the internet.
III.16 Reference to an Investor Assistance Unit or a
similar service, describing:
a) the role of the office;
b) type of information made available;
c) access means to the Office;
d) the company’s website;
e) the market liaison officer’s credentials.
In the strict observance of the legal and regulatory pro-
visions, the company as a rule to immediately inform its
shareholders and the capital markets in general of rel-
evant facts of its activity, with the purpose to avoid time
lapses between the occurrence and disclosure of those
facts; this commitment with the market has been reiter-
ated over the course of time and its persistent practice
over the years confirmed.
This disclosure is achieved by publication on the Se-
curities Commission’s website (
), on the
company’s website (
) and additionally by
means of electronic information disclosure by the mar-
ket management body.
The company’s website contains the communications is-
sued, the institutional presentation, the annual reports
and accounts, and the communication of results. The in-
formation on annual reports and accounts and results is
updated quarterly.
In order to enable more interaction between sharehold-
ers and investors the page also includes a chapter de-
voted to investors, which contains:
• Identification of the person in charge of investor rela-
tions and the address to contact same;
• Annual, Half-yearly and Quarterly Reports and Consoli-
dated Accounts, for the last two years;
• Annual Events Calendar;
• The summons for the Annual General Meeting;
• The proposals to present at the Annual General Meeting.
Contact with the Office is through the capital market
representative, António Carlos Vaz Pinto de Sousa (Tel-
ephone: +351 22 6089708; Fax: +351 22 6089757; Email:
, Address: Praça do Bom Sucesso,
105/159 – 9th floor, 4150–146 Porto.
Ibersol SGPS maintains permanent relations with ana-
lysts and investors, supplying them with up-to-date in-
formation. It also provides explanations about relevant
occurrences in company life, disclosed in the format im-
posed by law, whenever so requested.
The documents on the annual, half-yearly and quarterly
accounts statements, as well as the half-yearly updates
of the institutional presentations, are sent by email to
all shareholders, investors, analysts, financial bodies
and journalists who, with proper credentials, have re-
quested the same.
The company considers that it thus assures a perma-
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