39. Statutory External Auditor identification and
the representing partner
The statutory auditor of the Company is PriceWater-
HouseCoopers and Associates – Sociedade de Revisores
Oficiais de Contas, Lda.”, represented by Dr. Hermínio
António Paulos Afonso or Dr. António Joaquim Brocha-
do Correia.
40. Permanence of functions
PriceWaterHouseCoopers and Associates has been act-
ing as the Company’s statutory auditor since 2005.
41. Other services provided to the Company
The statutory auditor is also the Company’s external au-
42. Identification
The external auditor is PriceWaterHouseCoopers and
Associates, SROC, registered with the Securities Market
Commission under no. 9077, represented by Dr. Hermí-
nio António Paulos Afonso or Dr. António Joaquim Bro-
chado Correia.
No ano de 2013 o representante foi o Dr. Hermínio An-
tónio Paulos Afonso.
43. Permanence of Functions
The external auditor was elected for the first time in
2005 and this is its second term of office.
The partner who represents it has been acting as repre-
sentative since 2011.
44. Policy and frequency of rotation of the external
auditor and its partner
The external auditor and the partner who the represen-
ts it in this role are in their second term of office. The
external auditor is elected by the General Meeting at
the proposal of the Audit Committee and the need for
a change of external auditor will be assessed based on
best practices in corporate governance at the time of
the proposal for a new term of office.
45. External Auditor assessment
The Audit Committee annually assesses the work of the
external auditor and states its conclusions in its Report
and Opinion, issued in the terms and for the purposes
of art. 420.1.g) of the Companies Code.
46. Additional work
The non-audit services provided by the external auditor
will mainly include services to do with the review of tax
documentation processes and keeping up to date with
tax legislation.
The Audit Committee analyzed and approved the scope
of said services, concluding that they do not represent
any threat to the auditor’s independence.
The non-audit services are provided by different indivi-
duals from those involved in the audit, so that the inde-
pendence and impartiality of the auditor is considered
to be assured.
The fees billed for non-audit services in 2013 represen-
ted 10% of the total fees billed to the Group by PriceWa-
terHouseCoopers in the year.