IV. Investor Relations Office
56. Department responsible for investor relations,
composition, functions, information provided by
these services ans elements for contract.
The Office may be contacted through the representa-
tive for the capital market, António Carlos Vaz Pinto de
Sousa (Telephone: +351 22 6089708; Telefax: +351 22
6089757; E-mail:
, Morada: Praça do
Bom Sucesso, 105/159 – 9th floor, 4150–146 Porto.
57. Legal Representative for Capital Market
The representative is the person indicated on the web-
site of Ibersol, SGPS, SA. - Dr. António Carlos Vaz Pinto
de Sousa;
58. Information about the volume and response
time for information request at the year or
outstanding from previous years
Ibersol maintains constant contact with analysts and in-
vestors, supplying them with up-to-date information.
Whenever necessary, the representative for market re-
lations ensures that all the necessary information on the
Group’s activity is made available and provides any clari-
fications requested by investors within five business days.
V. Website
59. Address
The Ibersol has a website for disclosure of informa-
tion about the company. The address of the website is
60. Location of the information mentioned in Article
171 of the Commercial Companies Code
investidores\Governo da Sociedade
61. Location where the Articles of Regulation for
the committees can be found
da Sociedade
62. Location where is provided information
about the identify of the governing bodies, the
representative for market relations, the Investor
Relations Office, functions and means of access
da Sociedade
com Investidores
63. Location where is provided the documents of
accounting, calendar of corporate events
e Contas
de Eventos
64. Location where is provided the notice to
General Meeting and related information
65. Location where the historical archives are
available with resolutions adopted at general
meetings of the company, the represented share
capital and the voting results, with reference to the
previous 3 years