IBERSOL - Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2013 - page 198

the impacts of the adoption of standards and
interpretations that became effective on
1 January 2013, are as follows:
• IAS 1 (amendment),
“Presentation of Financial State-
ments”. This amendment changes the disclosure of
items presented in other comprehensive income (OCI),
requiring entities to separate items in OCI on whether
or not they may be recycled to profit and loss in the fu-
ture and the related tax amount if OCI items presented
before tax. The adoption of this amendment had im-
pact in the financial statements.
• IAS 12 (amendment),
“Income taxes”. This amend-
ment requires an entity to measure the deferred tax
relating to an asset depending on whether the entity
expects to recover the carrying amount of the asset
through use or sale, except for the investment prop-
erties measured at fair value model. The amendments
also incorporate into IAS 12 the guidance previously
contained in SIC 21, which is accordingly withdrawn.
The adoption of this amendment had no impact in the
financial statements.
• IAS 19 (amendment),
“Employee benefits”. This
amendment makes significant changes to the recog-
nition and measurement of defined benefit pension
expense and termination benefits, and to the disclo-
sures for all employee benefits. Actuarial gains and
losses are recognised immediately, and only, in OCI
(no corridor approach allowed). Finance cost for fund-
ed benefit plans are calculated on a net funding basis.
Termination benefits qualify for recognition only when
the employee has no future-service obligation. The
adoption of this amendment had impact in the finan-
cial statements.
• Improvement of 2009-2011 standards
– The 2009-
2011 annual improvements affects: IFRS 1 (second
adoption of IFRS 1 and exemptions), IAS 1 (presenta-
tion of additional financial statements when a change
of accounting policy is mandatory or voluntary), IAS16
(classification of spare parts and servicing equipment
when the definition of PP&E is met), IAS 32 (tax impact
classification when related to transactions involving eq-
uity or dividends) and IAS 34 (exemption of total assets
and liabilities.
• IFRS 1 (amendment),
“First-time adoption of IFRS”.
This amendment creates an additional exemption
when an entity that has been subject to severe hyper-
inflation presents financial statements in accordance
with IFRSs for the first time. The other change refers to
the replacement of references to a fixed date with “the
date of transition to IFRS” for retrospective adoption
exemptions. The adoption of this amendment had no
impact in the financial statements, since the Entity al-
ready applies IFRS.
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