64. Location where is provided the notice to General Meeting
and related information
65. Location where the historical archives are available with resolutions
adopted at general meetings of the company, the represented share
capital and the voting results, with reference to the previous 3 years
I. Competence for definition
66. Competence for determining the remunerations of governing bodies
of the executive committee members and managers of the Company
The members of the corporate governing bodies are remunerated in accordance with the
remuneration policy proposed by the Remuneration Committee and approved by the General
Meeting of shareholders.
II. Remuneration Committee
67. Composition of the Remuneration Committee, including the
identification of the other independent commission hired to support
the committee
The Remuneration Committee is made up of three members: Vítor Pratas Sevilhano,
Amândio Mendonça da Fonseca and Don Alfonso Munk Pacin.
The members of the Remuneration Committee are independent of the members of the Board
of Directors. No individual or corporate entity that has provided services to any body reporting
to the Board of Directors of the Company or to the Board of Directors itself at any time in the
last three years or that currently provides consulting services to the Company, has been hired
to support the Remuneration Committee in any capacity.