V. Agreements with remuneration implications
83. Contractual limitations provided for compensation payable for
unfair dismissal Managers and its relationship with the variable
remuneration component
No contractual limitation is envisaged for the compensation payable for unfair dismissal of a
director, nor is there any indication of a relationship with the variable component of remunera-
tion (the variable component is not stipulated in the contract).
84. Reference to the existence and description stating the sums
involved, of the agreements between the company and members
of the Board of Directors, providing for compensation in case of
dismissal without due cause or termination of the employment re-
lationship, following a change of control of the company
There are no agreements between the Company and the directors or other senior managers,
within the meaning of article 248-B.3 of the Securities Code, that provide for compensation
in the event of resignation, unfair dismissal or termination of the employment relationship
following a change of control of the company.
VI. Share Plans and Stock Option Plans
85. Identification of the plan and recipients
There are no share or share option schemes in force.
86. Plans functioning
The Company does not have any share or share option scheme.
87. Option rights granted to acquire shares (stock options) where the
beneficiaries are company employees
No share options have been allocated to workers or employees of the Company.