Year 2016
During 2016, focused on structural functions, we carried out a project
for reviewing the Performance and Potential Assessment System in
force within the Group, which is a key tool for promoting the develo-
pment of human capital, in order to embody the ALWAYS DO BETTER
principle which proudly characterises us!
Finally, and because what we do right here can be seen at an inter-
national level, Pizza Hut and Burger King were to be congratulated!
The “PIZZA HUT OPERATIONS European Championship”, which took
place between September and November, was won by Pizza Hut Por-
tugal, ex equo with Romania. Burger King proved its worth, as at the
end of 2016, the restaurant in Famalicão was awarded by the Global
Burger King Convention for all the Team’s excellent performance. In
addition, one of the restaurant’s employees was acknowledged as the
Most Valued Player, a distinction which to date has only been attribu-
ted to 3 restaurants throughout the world.