IBERSOL | 2016 Sustainability Report - page 40

The environmental problems are one of the priorities of Ibersol. It is not
possible to separate the concept of social responsibility from the concept
of sustainable development, therefore it is our constant concern to reduce
the environmental impact of the Group’s activity. This positioning compels
us to constantly seek environmentally responsible solutions and to apply
the possible metrics to measure the Ibersol businesses’ ecological footprint.
This way the Group is committed to reduce to the maximum the impacts on
the environment of its activity, by following strict practices of environmen-
tal management – including waste management and energy management.
To this end, in 2016, the certification pursuant to the Standard NP EN
ISO 14001:2004 – Environmental Management Systems was renewed. This
certification ensures the commitment of the Group in improving its en-
vironmental performance through the management of the impact of its
activities, namely the optimization of the use of natural resources, the
protection of the environment and the reduction of the pollution.
In this regard, the Ibersol Group continues to work in the reduction of the
environmental impacts originated from:
- The production of packaging waste;
- The production of Used Food Oils;
- Energy consumption;
- CO2 Emissions;
- Water consumption.
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