(heating, ventilation
and air conditioning
Training provided to the unit ma-
nagers regarding the comfort tem-
perature in winter, because the
temperature at which the air condi-
tioning system is set has influence
in energy consumption. Each degree
of temperature added results in an
increase of approx. 7% in energy
consumption. Even though the sense
of comfort is relative, usually a tem-
perature between 19ºC and 21ºC in
winter is enough for most people. In
the summer, it varies between 22º
and 25ºC.
There was an increase in gas con-
sumption due to the conversion of
some electric appliances. The electric
broilers already existing in the res-
taurants were adapted to gas. When
new units were opened, we acquired
new gas broilers and pans, thereby
reducing the impact on the con-
sumption of electric energy, along
with the measures above mentioned.