Effective Member – António Maria de
Borda Cardoso;
Academic background
- Degree in Economics from the Faculdade de Economia
do Porto (1966);
Professional activity in the last five years:
- “Sonae Indústria – PCDM, SA.” as Director;
- Pensioner since 25/10/2005;
- Director of “Laminar – Indústria de Madeiras e Deriva-
dos, SA.” since 29/11/2002;
- Partner (not managing) at 50% of the limited company
“Borda Cardoso – Assessoria de Negócios, Lda.” since
Date of commencement and end of mandate:
2007 / 2012.
Duties carried out in governing bodies of other Iber-
sol Group companies:
carries out no duties in other Ibersol Group companies.
Number of directly or indirectly held shares in Iber-
sol, SGPS, SA:
Holds no shares of the company.
Alternate Member – Eduardo Moutinho
dos Santos;
Academic background
- Degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the UN de
Coimbra (1978);
Professional activity in the last five years:
- Practices law privately in the County of Porto;
Date of commencement and end of mandate:
2007 / 2012.
Duties carried out in governing bodies of other Iber-
sol Group companies:
carries out no duties in other Ibersol Group companies.
Number of directly or indirectly held shares in Iber-
sol, SGPS, SA:
Holds no shares of the company.
II. 24. Reference to the fact that the Audit Commit-
tee evaluates annually the external auditor and the
possibility of the proposed general meeting of the
auditor’s dismissal for just cause.
The supervisory board carries out the annual evalua-
tion of the External Auditor and includes its findings in
its report and opinion, issued under and for the pur-
poses of paragraph g) of paragraph 1 of Article 420 of
the Companies Code.
II.30 Description of the remuneration policy of the
administration and supervision as referred to in Ar-
ticle 2 of Law nº 28/2009 of 19 June.
For setting the remunerations of the Board of Directors
members and Statutory Audit Committee there weren´t
attended any comparative practices or remuneration
policies practiced in other companies’ group. It is not
defined, as well, any politics over payments for the dis-
missal or termination, by agreement, of the administra-
tor role.
Regarding the remuneration politic over the Company’s
Executives, this one is attended in the Board’s of Di-