IBERSOL - Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts - 2012 - page 116

Corporate Governance Report
vided administration and management services to the
group, having received from subsidiary Ibersol, Restau-
ração, SA., for such services, the amount of 756.034,00
euros in 2012.
o) Description of the main characteristics of supple-
mentary pension or early retirement for adminis-
trators and indicate whether or not subject to the
Shareholders General Meeting;
- There is no supplementary pension or early retirement
for administrators.
p) An estimate of non-cash benefits considered as
remuneration not covered above.
- There are no non-financial benefits that may be con-
sidered as remuneration, allocated to any one the
board of directors members;
q) The existence of mechanisms that prevent the ex-
ecutive board of directors members of contracts
that undermine the rationale for the variable pay;
- Not applicable;
II. 34 Reference to the fact that the remuneration
of non-executive directors of the board does not in-
clude variable components.
The remuneration of non-executive director does not
include variable components.
II.35. Information over the policy adopted for re-
porting irregularities in the Company (media, peo-
ple who are entitled to receive communications,
treatment applicable and indication of the persons
and bodies with access to information and their
intervention in the procedure).
The Company has established a policy for receiving
communications, or complaints about irregularities oc-
curred in the company. As stated in the Regulations of
the Audit Committee reported on the company’s web-
site, this body “ …notes written reports of irregularities
that have been addressed by promoting, as appropri-
ate, the necessary representations to the administration
and auditing on them and draw up its report.”. Thus,
this kind of irregularities can be communicated non-
anonymously to the Audit Committee, by notice to the
Company addressed the Board of the Audit Committee.
The company will forward the information received to
the Chairman of that body, ensuring confidentiality.
V Section – Specialized Committees
II.36 Identification of the committee´s members
constituted for the purpose of assessing individual
performance and overall executive board of direc-
tors members, reflection on the governance system
adopted by the Company and identification of po-
tential candidates for the job of board of director’s
There is established a Remuneration Committee com-
prising three members, Vitor Sevilhano Pratas, Dr.
Amândio Mendonça da Fonseca and Don Alfonso Munk
II.37. Number of meetings of committees set up with
jurisdiction over the management and supervision
during the year concerned as well as reference for
carrying out the minutes of these meetings.
The Remuneration Committee meets regularly and an-
nually, for a time, and draw up the minutes thereof.
II. 38. Reference to the fact that a member of the
Remuneration Committee has knowledge and expe-
rience in remuneration policy.
Particular member of the Remuneration Committee, Dr.
Amândio Mendonça da Fonseca, has knowledge and ex-
perience in the mentioned areas.
II.39. Reference to the independence of individuals
or companies engaged in the remuneration com-
mittee by an employment contract or a service’s
contract for the Board of Directors and, when ap-
plicable, the fact that these people have current re-
lationship with the consultant firm.
The Members of the Remuneration Committee are in-
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