Annual Report and Consolidated Account
Date first appointed and end of current
term of office
1999 / 2016
Functions performed in the governing
bodies of other companies belonging
to the Ibersol Group:
IBERUSA - Hotelaria e Restauração, SA
IBERSANDE - Restauração, SA
IBERSOL - Restauração, SA
Functions performed in the governing
bodies of companies not belonging
to the Ibersol Group:
ATPS - Soc. Gestora de Participações Sociais, SA
I.E.S. - Indústria, Engenharia e Serviços, SGPS, SA
20. Significant relationships between members
of Board of Directors and qualified shareholders.
There are no family, professional or business relation-
ships with holders of qualifying shareholdings beyond
the fact that the directors António Alberto Guerra Leal
Teixeira and António Carlos Vaz Pinto de Sousa are the
owners, in equal shares, of the company ATPSII- SGPS,
SA, which holds 54.92%of the share capital of Ibersol.
21. Division of powers between the different
boards, committees and/or departments
within the company, including information
on delegating responsibilities, particularly
with regard to the delegation of powers, in
particular with regard to the delegation of daily
management of the Company.
Two of the members of the Board of Directors perform
executive functions and form an Executive Commit-
tee, which was elected and has powers delegated to
it by the Board of Directors under the terms of art. 8.4
of the Bylaws of the Company. The third director per-
forms non-executive functions.
The executive committee coordinates the operations
of the functional units and the various businesses,
meeting with the senior managers of these units and
businesses on a regular basis. The decisions taken by
the functional and business managers, which must re-
spect the overall guidelines, are taken under powers
delegated by the Executive Committee and are coor-
dinated in periodic meetings.
The powers delegated to the Executive Committee are
as follows:
a) Exercise full powers of decision making, manage-
ment and monitoring of the Company’s activity at
a strategic level, within the legal limits of art. 407.4
of the CSC.
b) Develop, plan and schedule the actions of the gov-
erning body, in the Company’s internal and external
plan for the year, so as to achieve the corporate ob-
jectives in accordance with the Company’s mission,
in particular assisting the Board of Directors in the
proper verification of the instruments of supervision
of the economic and financial situation and in the
exercise of the control function over the companies
belonging to the Ibersol Group.
c) It is responsible for assisting the Board of Directors
in the updating of its structures of advice and func-
tional support; in the procedures of the compa-
nies belonging to the Ibersol Group, in line with the
changing needs of the business, defining the profiles
and characteristics of their strategic partners, cus-
tomers, workers, employees and other agents; and
in the conduct of the Group’s relationships with its
environment, acquiring, disposing and encumbering
movable property and establishing or terminating
cooperation agreements with other companies.