Vice-Chairman – Dr. António Maria
de Borda Cardoso
Academic qualifications
- BA in Economics (1966) from the Faculty of Econom-
ics of the Univesity of Oporto
Professional activity in the last five years:
- Retired since 25/10/2005
- Director of Laminar – Indústria de Madeiras e Deriva-
dos, SA since 29/11/2002
Date first appointed and end of current
term of office
2007 / 2016
Functions performed in the governing bodies of
other companies belonging to the Ibersol Group:
He does not perform any functions in other compa-
nies in the Ibersol Group.
Number of shares of Ibersol, SGPS, SA
held directly or indirectly:
He does not hold any shares of the company.
Director – Dr. Eduardo Moutinho
dos Santos
Academic qualifications
- Degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the Univ. of
Coimbra (1978)
Professional activity in the last five years:
- In legal practice in the county of Oporto;
Date first appointed and end of current
term of office
2007 / 2016
Functions performed in the governing bodies of
other companies belonging to the Ibersol Group:
President of the Audit Board of the company Iber-
sande Restauração, SA.
Number of shares of Ibersol, SGPS, SA held
directly or indirectly:
He does not hold any shares of the company.
b) Functioning
34. Location where the regulations governing
the functioning of the Fiscal Board can be found.
The Regulations of the Audit Committee may be
consulted on the website:
35. Meeting of the Fiscal Board.
The Audit Committee meets at least once each quar-
ter. In 2014 there were six formal meetings of this body
and the rate of attendance of all the active members
was 100%.
36. Availability of each member with description
of positions hels in other companies inside and
outside the group and other relevant activities
carried out.
All the members of the Audit Committee consistently
demonstrated their availability to perform their func-
tions, having attended all the meetings and taken part
in the work.
For point 33 above we refer to the information on oth-
er posts held in other companies by the active mem-
bers of the Audit Committee in
Annex 2
to this report.