Annual Report and Consolidated Account
31. Composition.
Audit Committee
Chairman -
Joaquim Alexandre de Oliveira e Silva;
Vice-Chairman –
António Maria Borda Cardoso;
Member –
Eduardo Moutinho Ferreira Santos;
Substitute –
Maria Helena Moreira de Araújo
The Audit Committee is made up of at least three ac-
tive members, who are elected by the General Meet-
ing and must meet at least quarterly. Where the Audit
Committee has only three activemembers, theremust
be one or two substitutes; where there are more than
three active members, there must be two substitutes.
The statutory auditor or statutory audit firm are elect-
ed by the General Meeting at the proposal of the Audit
The term of office of the members of the Audit Com-
mittee is four years (art. 27 of the Bylaws). The current
Chairman took up the post of Vice-Chairman in 2008
and was appointed Chairman in 2013 for the period
2013-2016. The current Vice-Chairman was first ap-
pointed as a member of the Audit Committee in 2007
and was appointed vice-chairman for the period 2013-
2016. The Member was first appointed as a substitute
in 2007 and was appointed as a member for the pe-
riod 2013-2016.
32. Independence of the Fiscal board members.
All the active members meet the criteria stated in ar-
ticle 414.5 of the CSC and comply with all the rules of
incompatibility mentioned in article 414.1 of the CSC.
The members of the Audit Committee have the duty
to immediately report to the Company any event that
might give rise to incompatibility or loss of independ-
33. Professional Qualifications.
Chairman – Dr.Joaquim Alexandre
de Oliveira e Silva
Academic qualifications
- BA in Economics (1970) from the Faculty of Econom-
ics of the University of Oporto
Professional activity in the last five years:
- University teaching
- Tax consulting
Date first appointed and end of current
term of office
2008 / 2016
Functions performed in the governing bodies of
other companies belonging to the Ibersol Group:
He does not perform any functions in other compa-
nies in the Ibersol Group.
Number of shares of Ibersol, SGPS, SA held
directly or indirectly:
He does not hold any shares of the company.