IBERSOL | Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2015 - page 192

Corporate Governance Report
2. Under the terms of number 3 of the article 248º-B Securities Code, Directors are,
besides Management and Supervisory Bodies members, those who have regular ac-
cess to privileged information and take part in the company’s decisions upon mana-
gement and negotiation strategy.
3. According to CMVM Recommendations upon publicly listed companies corpora-
te governance, and to promote transparency, in order to comply with Recommen-
dations of Corporate Governance, the Board of Directors submits to this General
Meeting this statement with the guidelines observed to determine the mentioned
remunerations, as follows:
a) The remuneration policy adopted for Ibersol’s Directors matches with the policy
determined to generality of the Company’s employees.
b) However, the Company’s Directors remuneration contains a fix remuneration
and, an eventual performance bonus.
c) The evaluation of the performance quality and the performance bonus are es-
tablished according to the criteria previously defined by the Board of Directors.
d) Therefore, behaviour factors of each Director, namely, specific competencies to
the function, its level of responsibility, ability to adjust to company’s management
and specific procedures, autonomy level of individual performance, will be at-
tended to determine an eventual performance bonus, being also considered the
technical and/or the financial-economic performance in the Directors’ business
sector, as well as the financial/economic performance of IBERSOL.
Oporto, 31
March 2016
The Board of Directors
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