IBERSOL - Sustainability Report 2012 - page 7

tinual improvement of the
Note also that the GRI 3 guidelines were followed when
drawing up this report.
For more information about Ibersol and its performance
in different financial years, previous versions of the Sus-
tainability Report and Annual Report and Accounts may
be consulted at
First of all, the Board of Directors would like is express
its thanks to all of the Group’s employees, whose com-
mitment and daily dedication to Ibersol’s values have
enabled pursuit of the company’s goals.
We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of our sup-
pliers, franchisors, shareholders, banking institutions
and other partners for the collaboration and trust they
have placed in Ibersol and in the relationships built over
the course of the year.
Finally, we thank the Audit Committee, Auditors and
Chartered Accountant for their capacity for cooperation
and dialogue during the monitoring and examination of
Ibersol’s management.
Porto, 1 April 2013
The Board of Directors
António Carlos Vaz Pinto de Sousa
António Alberto Guerra Leal Teixeira
Juan Carlos Vázquez-Dodero
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