IBERSOL - Sustainability Report 2013 - page 31

In 2013 the guidelines for streamlining energy use
continued to be followed, via the use of more efficient
equipment and adjusting consumption to operational
needs, maximizing energy efficiency.
Highlights in this regard include:
• The up lamping program, consisting of the gradual
replacement of current lighting by more efficient
alternatives, taking advantage of technological
developments in this area, specifically by using new LED
lighting solutions, ECO bulbs and electronic ballasts.
• The reinforcement of the investment made in the On/
off plan to raise awareness toward a rational use of
energy. This project helped reducing by 15% of energy
consumption and power in peak hours, through the
adoptionofmeasures suchaspre-heating theequipment
during the off-peak or full periods, interruption of the
equipments operation when they are not being used,
and reduction of the temperatures in equipments that
cannot be turned off.
• The investment in energy management equipments,
such as ECubes (equipments places in the probes
of the refrigeration and freezing cameras to avoid
temperature variations due to de opening of the
doors, and leading to an operational stabilization
of the equipments and also of the temperature of
the products stored), as well as energy controllers
(equipments that help stabilizing the electric current
waves, thus avoiding temporary voltage fluctuations.
Therefore, the active and reactive energy consumption
is decreased and the equipments life is increased).
• The use of photovoltaic panels that produce renewable
energy amounted to approximately 11,683 kWh in 2013,
what represented the emission of 5,492 Kg of CO2.
• The reduction of the contracted energy power and of
the gas consumption level.
• The replacement of electrical appliances with natural
gas ones, which have substantially reduced CO2
emissions (304 Ton and 158 Ton, respectively).
• Thereductiononconsumptionoftheexhaustingsystems
extraction engines, by reducing the consumption of the
equipments (electric pans, ovens, electric grills, etc.),
and through the reduction of the releases gases (more
efficient equipments).
• The reduction of reactive energy by placing capacitor
batteries in 52 consumption points. The payback for
the investment in these equipments is expected after
15 months.
Ibersol’ vision to respect the environmental resources
makes its employees focus on reducing the energy
consumption. However, the needs arising from the new
value propositions made to Ibersol customers - both
in the form of new products and new service options
- constitute an obstacle to the effective reduction of
On theother hand, the reductiononenergy consumption
is only possible up to a certain limit, given that part
of the overall consumption of the units is related to
refrigeration and lighting equipment, which represent
non variable costs. Operational demands imposed
by external parties forced Ibersol to install additional
energy consuming equipments.
Despite these contingencies, stricter control of energy
use and adjustment of equipment usage periods
to operational needs helped lower overall power
consumption in 2013. Indeed, there was an 11% drop
in electric power consumption compared to overall
consumption in 2012.
Likewise, themeasures taken to reduce gas consumption
led to an effective decrease of 7% compared to the
previous year.
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