IBERSOL - Sustainability Report 2013 - page 36

2013 registered a stabilization of the number of active
personnel of the Ibersol Group, totalling 5,038 employ-
ees working for Ibersol (3,726 in Portugal, 1,158 in Spain
and 154 in Angola), by the end of the financial year. In
fact, by the end of the year, the Group had more 56 em-
ployees than over the same period in 2012, as a conse-
quence of the business growth in Angola.
In Portugal, Ibersol holds a relevant role in employabil-
ity, particularly due to the specific nature of its human
resources: a mostly young population with low levels of
education, trying to combine its education with the pro-
fessional activity, looking for the first job, or still trying to
work out a career plan.
To counter the aforementioned business threats, Ibersol
has sought to develop action strategies that turn prob-
lems into opportunities.
The Group emphasizes employee training every day,
from the first day on. Everyone has training in standards
for health and safety, product and service, to ensure that
meals are served by caring and attentive employees, with
all the quality, safety and taste that customers appreci-
ate. Besides customer service training, Ibersol provides
specific training for each career stage, helping employ-
ees achieve sustained performance at their duties so
they can build a challenging career. Ibersol also develops
complementary training plans meant to plug gaps or spe-
cific development needs identified in a given business or
functional group, besides fostering increased employee
skills, encouraging them to enrol in training pathways
that enhance their academic qualifications.
The employees’ wellbeing is also a strong commitment
of the Ibersol Group. To this purpose, in 2012 the com-
pany revised its Health and Safety standards, and in
2013 the Group endeavoured a great effort for imple-
menting and controlling these standards, and for reduc-
ing the number of work injuries.
Ibersol also maintains its close relationship with the sur-
rounding community, playing an active role in events
that promote its sustained development. To that end,
various initiatives were maintained to bring the Group
closer to the community. These included the participa-
tion in the Oporto of the Future (Porto de Futuro) pro-
gram, the opening of restaurants to visits by school
groups or the promotion of actions to support humani-
tarian causes.
Social Performance
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