The Sustainability vision of the Ibersol Group is experi-
enced daily as a global positioning that arises from the
holistic integration of the management measures taken
in the social, economic and environmental areas both
locally and globally, at present and in the future.
The first publication of the Sustainability Report was
based on considerations of the Group’s top manage-
ment and was part of a natural maturing phase for the
organization. It is currently perceived as a part of our
DNA, enabling as well a privileged channel for transpar-
ent communication of our business impacts and ac-
Now, as the 7th issue of this Report is published, the
Board of Directors is proud to say that the active Sustain-
ability policies of the Group are based on a broad Social
Responsibility matrix seriously committed to the com-
munity it serves, where the growing social problems,
due to the aging of the population and to the current
economical context, and to the emerging Education for
Health, are felt as challenges. We are also proud of the
reinforced attention given, year after year, to the proac-
tive management of the risk factors and of the threats
presented to our business and to the parties concerned.
In the current edition, we kept the same alignment as the
previous editions, and structured the Report according to
the main lines of development governing the organiza-
tion’s sustainability, each corresponding to an individ-
ual chapter where the performance key indicators and
milestones for the respective year are detailed. Figures
from previous years are also presented to provide a
more comprehensive understanding of the progress of
the Group’s performance.
The scope of this report, which is compliant with the GRI
3.1 guidelines, comprises the activity of the companies
held by Ibersol SGPS, S.A., in the Portuguese territory,
during the year 2013, and occasionally presents data re-
ferring to the Group’s activity in Spain and Angola.
The processes mentioned throughout this Report, and
the indicators presented herein, are subject to system-
atic, internal and external auditing. The financial data
was audited by the Chartered Accountants, in the con-
text of the Annual Report.
Aiming to continuously improve the reporting process,
this Report is made available to the interested parties
for evaluation and feedback. The parties can get more
information about Ibersol and its performance in the
earlier financial years by checking the previous versions
of the Sustainability Report and the Annual Report avail-
able in
Message from the Directors
Sustainability vision