IBERSOL | Sustainability Report 2015 - page 24

Riskmanagement already plays an undisputable role in the strategic
plans of companies, and it constitutes a key element in supporting
management, particularly in complex and unstable contexts.
At the Ibersol Group, every operation is structured and reviewed
from a risk management point of view, from the risks associated
with the current businesses to the development of new businesses,
and to the consolidation of the most relevant projects. To make a
decision, the company takes into consideration parameters such as
politics, strategy, goals, processes and procedures already conso-
lidated at Ibersol, as well as the info generated by the management
control system (financial and accounting, human resources, quality,
purchasing, logistics andmarketing), enabling it to assess all possible
scenarios, and so the company is ready to reassess and rethink the
strategies set out, whenever necessary.
In terms of operations, each business identified and assessed the
management risks, and elaborated a set of actions to manage tho-
se risks. In this context, risk control mechanisms are implemented
which are supported by internal standards and procedures gover-
ned by rules, responsibilities and forms of communication. With the
Risk Management
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