Annual Report and Consolidated Account
68. Experience and professional qualifications of
the members of the Shareholders’ Remuneration
The professional experience and background of the
members of the Remuneration Committee allows
them to perform their functions rigorously and effec-
tively. All the members are empowered with the nec-
essary academic, professional and technical training
required for their function, and authorized with proper
functional experience necessary for its proper perfor-
mance, namelly:
- Dr. Amândio da Fonseca:
Degree in Psychology,
holding the position of Executive Coach, certified
by ICF (International Coach Federation).
- Dr. Vítor Pratas Sevilhano:
Degree in Finance by the
Instituto Superior de Economia, Degree in Hospital
Administration by ENSP - Escola Nacional de Saúde
Pública de Lisboa, Certified by Manchester Business
School - ITP - International Teachers Program. Certi-
fied by SBDC - Small Business Development Center de
Wisconsin, EUA, Certified by INSEAD (Fontainebleau)
- Advanced Management Program and Finantial Man-
agement Program. Certified by Henley College - Strag-
ic Planning in Practice. Certified by Linkage Interna-
tional - GILD e Executive Coaching Master Class. PCC
- Professional Certified Coach by ICF – International
Coach Federation. Professional qualifications: - Man-
aging Partner of the European School of Coaching and
Partner of the Company My Change;
- D. Alfonso Munk Pacin:
Degree in Economics by Lon-
don Scholl of Economics, International Consulter in
the areas of Hotels and Tourism, and Vice-President
of the Melia´s Group.
III. Remuneration Structure
69. Remuneration policy and performance
The remunerationpolicyof the corporategoverningbod-
ies is approved by the shareholders in General Meeting.
The General Meeting of shareholders held on 30 April
2014 approved the remuneration policy already in
force, which has been implemented consistently.
The remuneration policies and practices of other
groups of companies are not used as a benchmark in
setting the remuneration of the members of the Board
of Directors and Audit Committee and no policy has
been established with regard to severance payments
for directors, as indicated in the statement of the Re-
muneration Committee attached to the Corporate
Governance Report.
The remuneration policy for senior managers is de-
scribed in the statement of the Board of Directors at-
tached to the Corporate Governance Report. The re-
muneration of senior managers includes no major or
material variable components.
The executive members of the Board of Directors
are remunerated by the shareholder ATPS-SGPS, SA,
which provides administrative and management ser-
vices to the Group.
The non-executive member receives a fixed annual
remuneration and no other remuneration of any kind.
The total remuneration of the members of the Au-
dit Committee for 2014 was as follows: Chairman:
8,785.92 euros; Vice-Chairman: 8,785.92 euros; Mem-
ber: 8,785.92 euros; and SROC: 47,916.68 euros.