Annual Report and Consolidated Account
Guaranteeing good experiences and quality of life
Customers demand increasingly good experiences that
enhance their qualityof life. Our brandsarean integral part
of the daily life of millions of people who are therefore at
the centre of our attention. The Group offers diversified
products that provide customers with a broad range of
taste and quality experiences. From breakfast to lunch,
snack-timeordinner, during theweekor onweekends, at a
stoponacar trip, before leavingby trainor onanall-night
flight, wearepresent at everymoment. The Ibersol Group
aims to provide consumers with enjoyable moments ac-
companied by balanced and carefully prepared meals
suited to their lifestyles.
Anexampleof that concern isPizzaHut’snewdigitalmenu,
an innovation offering the brand’s customers a special
experience. Also, the remodelling of several units on sev-
eral brands such as Pasta Caffé, Pizza Hut, Burger King
and Pans&Company, are proof of this constant concern.
Standingout in thisareaare two renovationsof PastaCaffé,
at Centro Colombo and Parque Atlântico, which created
a more Italian ambience that distinguishes the brand’s
newidentity. These innovations, alongwithnewproducts
in each brand, the emphasis on taste and a healthy diet,
ensure experiences worth sharing and create conditions
for an improved quality of life.
Focusing energies on the customer relationship
Given that our customers havemade the Ibersol Group
what it is today, an outstanding presence on Portugal’s
restaurant scene, customers are also the Group’s rea-
son for being. That’s why Ibersol always aims to meet
customer expectations, anticipating trends, satisfying
needs and presenting increasingly solid value proposals.
Tomeet these new demands, we continuously strive to
optimize our units’ organization, information systems
and the systemic approach which ensures the iden-
tification of major consumer clusters and restaurant
segments in linewith different environments and habits.
For this reason the Burger King online satisfaction survey
(“”) was launched in 2014. This
platformgathers customers’ opinions about the service
provided and aims to assure constant improvement of
the brand’s service.
Because focusing energy on the relationship with cus-
tomers is crucial, the Ibersol Group will expand this
platform to other brands in 2015.
A social network with added value for consumers
The Ibersol Group challenges its employees to experi-
ence the customer relationship every day as the very
basis of a social network.
The Ibersol Group possesses a network of emotional
bonds and trusting relationships built up by employees
and customers during every minute on the job.
We strive to continuously create conditions enabling the
Ibersol team to transmit that added-value relationship
with customers – relating to them, communicating in a
familiar way, with care and dedication. It is a principle
the Group aims to see included in its DNA. To achieve
that goal it constantly invests in the skills of the teams
and especially of the unit managers and shiftmanagers,
making themresponsible for interactionwith customers.
Those managers are our front line enabling faster iden-
tification of consumption profile changes. They are
the managers who try to ‘read’ changing realities and
expectations, transmitting themso they can be included
in new value proposals. The Group also decentralized
aspects associated to quality certification, thereby con-
solidating managers’ expertise with respect to knowl-
edge and verification of quality standards.