Annual Report and Consolidated Account
Crunchy Crust and Hot Dog Cheesy Bites specials at
unbeatable prices and also to receive a gift box of choco-
lates for children.
The commitment to enhancing the value of Pizza Hut
teams is of vital importance for the business. In 2014 a
newdigital training platformwas therefore launched, a
pioneer in Portugal’s restaurant market which provides
employees with training and certification in an eLearn-
ing environment. This digital tool involves employees
more, making the training process more responsive,
interactive and effective.
Alsowith respect to internal processes, noteworthy was
renewed certification per the demanding ISO 22000
standard of the units at Foz, Norteshopping, Dolce Vita
Porto and Colombo. This is an example of the brand
team’s care and demands vis-à-vis food safety for its
Pizza Hut consistently targets the youthmarket andwas
recently present with its mobile unit at the “NOS Alive”
and “MEOMarés Vivas” summer festivals, besides being
the main sponsor of the SkyforAll event organized by
the PortugueseWinter Sports Federation, which enabled
more than a thousand children to experience skiing in
snow for the first time.
This year Pizza hut was also distinguished as the most
reputed brand in the fast food category in Portugal,
according to the fourth edition of the MRI – Marktest
Reputation Index.