IBERSOL - Sustainability Report 2013 - page 15

nal body; complaints handling system; mystery cus-
tomer program; and internal audit program regard-
ing food safety indicators;
Viva Bem
(Live Well) Program, whereby the Group in-
forms consumers about its food safety system and
healthy eating habits, ensuring that they receive the
necessary information in a transparent manner so
they can make the most suitable lifestyle choices.
Occupational Health and Safety
Coordinated by the Human Resources Department, this
area studies the health and safety risk factors related
to the employee’s activity. Being aware of the risks is
the first step towards taking measures to prevent oc-
cupational diseases and accidents. Falls and cuts are
the main causes of the accidents suffered at Ibersol,
and despite there is no record of occupational diseases,
the Occupational Health and Safety area is still focused
in creating and developing control measures, including:
• Informing all employees about eventual workplace
risks, as well as conduct to prevent work accidents;
• Initial workplace safety training, conducted during the
phase of entry and integration of new employees;
• Continual training in the safety management stand-
ards of each unit’s safety team;
• Implementationof self-protectionmeasures in all units;
• Accompaniment of safety audits conducted by shop-
ping centres and airports for units located there;
• Maintenance of labour accident insurance policies;
• Organization of health and safety services according
to the independent external services mode:
• Safety standard verification audits;
• Risk assessment drawn up for each business;
• Investigation and analysis of occupational accidents;
• Compulsory health examinations.
This risk area is coordinated by the Financial Department
and consists of monitoring financial market volatility,
especially interest rates. Liquidity risk is increasingly
relevant given the current market situation. The main
risk exposure sources are:
Exchange rate risk
Exchangeraterisk isstill low, sincetheGroup isessentially
present in the Iberian market. Bank loans are mostly
denominated in euros; the volume of purchases outside
the euro-zone is relatively insignificant. Purchases and
external financing for the Angolan subsidiaries (largely
due to assets covered by own funds) likewise remain
quite low.
Regarding future financing outside the euro-zone, the
Groupwill followanatural coveragepolicy, usingfinancing
in local currency whenever interest rate conditions make
this advisable.
Increased activity in Angola will nevertheless mean more
exchange rate risk that can affect the value of assets and
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