IBERSOL | 2016 Sustainability Report - page 81

Offering of Meals and Food Donation
The idea of social responsibility to Ibersol comprises, naturally, the offering
of meals and the donation of food. To this end, in 2016, almost 12 tons of
food products were donated, from food products that were not consumed
in events help by Silva Carvalho Catering, and were given to the following
entities: Casa da Sopa Mãe Maria de Nazaré (Lisbon), Associação Coração
da Cidade (Oporto), Associação Nacional de Ajuda Aos Pobres (Oporto), and
Associação Protetora da Criança (Oporto).
The brand Burger King offered several meals to a group of young people
fostered by Casa Mãe do Gradil, a place that received children and young
people sent by governmental bodies due to several problems, namely child
abuse, family disorganization, among many other problems. This famous
burger brand offered 40 meals at the Christmas event intended for a group
of children and young people, supported by the Gondomar/Valongo delega-
tion of the Portuguese Red Cross. The Burger King at Norteshopping sup-
ported the Child Protection Association Bispo D. António Barroso, offering
18 meals to 16 children and two adults of this institution, so that they can
experience a unique day. The Burger King Amadeus unit, in Matosinhos,
has also received a very special visit. A group of young people and adults
with disabilities, belonging to the Parents and Friends of the Mentally Ill
Association (APPACDM) at Oporto, had the opportunity to have a different
experience, and some of them ate a burger for the first time.
Also in the social context, we should point out the support given by Pizza
Hut to an initiative held by the northern delegation of the Association
Raríssimas - Associação Nacional de Deficiências Mentais e Raras (asso-
ciation for persons suffering from mental and rare handicaps). This ins-
titution, which mission is to give support to people that suffers from rare
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