diseases and their families, promoted the World Children’s Day Festivities
at the beginning of June. This even gathered about 250 people: children,
parents, care takers and volunteers, with the purpose of providing to these
children a moment of entertainment outside their daily routines and the-
rapies. The brand contributed with 10 family size pizzas.
The support to event of a social nature included two more initiatives. The
Pizza Hut unit of Setúbal offered 10 family size pizzas to a party of the
Portuguese Association Parents and Friends of the Mentally Deficient Ci-
tizen, with the participation of almost one hundred children and parents.
The brand offered 12 meals to a group of autistic children of the School
Grouping of Samora Correia, in a campaign to develop personal, social and
interaction with the environment competencies.
World Children’s Day
Festivities from Raríssimas
Visit of a group from APPACDM
in Oporto to Burger King X
Cascais Triathlon 2016