IBERSOL | 2016 Sustainability Report - page 78

Restaurant Study Visits
Similarly to previous years, we opened some Ibersol units to study visits,
allowing younger people to access the backstage. The initiative ‘Cozinha
Aberta’ (Open Kitchen) allowed dozens of visitors to see and even try how
Burger King kitchen functions. The units Ferreira Borges, Flamenga, Cas-
cais and Portas do Mar were amongst those that received several groups of
young people, and showed them the internal processes and best practices
of food safety and hygiene.
Some of the visits performed to the Ibersol restaurants took place over
the counter. This was the case of a group of children on a summer camp
of Gaia School, who brought to the Burger King Nó do Fojo much joy, and
desire to eat a burger.
The brand KFC also promoted several activities, both indoors and outdoors.
The restaurant KFC of Dolce Vita Porto hosted the visit of the Hotel and
Tourism School and of the Nutrition School (Faculty of Diet Sciences at
the University of Porto). The brand participated in several distinct events,
like ‘This is America’ – promoted by the embassy of the United States of
America in Portugal –, an open day held by the Golf Academy of the Quinta
do Fojo, or even the largest national event dedicated to the community of
developers: the ‘Pixel Camp’.
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