In 2014 Burger King upped the amount of investment
in exterior communication, specifically in the general
TV channels, on billboards (Coimbra, Covilhã, Vila Real,
Aveiro, Cascais, Braga, Viseu, the Azores, Matosinhos
and Loures) and by local store marketing. These were
the means applied to publicize the brand on the ma-
rket, advertising value, product and price, with the
€3.95 and €1 platforms. The €1 products were also
continuously publicized in the outlet environment.
Whenever they want, Burger King customers can ask
to visit the kitchens of any unit, to learn about the
brand’s quality policies and the care that goes into
making your meal. This is shown by the fact that the
brand’s units are certified per the most demanding
APCER quality standard, ISO 22 000.
Bearing in mind the brand’s environmental policy,
which aims to lessen impacts on the environment,
sandwiches are wrapped in recycled paper, the stores’
frying oil is destined for recycling and conversion into
biodiesel, and we separate waste in the units.
Also noteworthy is that Burger King is part of the Ibersol
Group’s Viva Bem (Live Well) institutional programme,
which offers information about nutrition and healthy
and balanced eating habits.
The year 2014 also stands out because the Iberking
company, which manages Burger King, was distingui-
shed among a field of nearly 300,000 companies as
northern Portugal’s best SME in the 2013 Excellence
Prizes, awarded to the best companies in northern
Portugal. The prizes recognize turnover growth, capital
profitability, real productivity and the creation of jobs
and financial autonomy.