Corporate Governance Report
Information on transactions with related parties is provided in the Annex to the indi-
vidual financial statements and in the Annex to the consolidated financial statements.
1. Identification of adopted Corporate Governance Code
This Corporate Governance Report was prepared in accordance with CMVM Regula-
tion 4/2013 of 1 August and the CMVM’s Corporate Governance Code. In accordance
with article 4. 2 of CMVM Regulation 4/2013, the necessary and indispensable infor-
mation is disclosed as required by these regulations, both in substance and in form.
The report complies with article 245-A of the Securities Code and, in accordance
with the comply or explain principle, indicates the degree of compliance with the
CMVM’s recommendations as stated in the 2013 Corporate Governance Code.
The reporting obligations under Law 28/2009 of 19 June, articles 447 and 448 of the
Companies Code and CMVM Regulation 5/2008 of 2 October 2008 are also met.
All the legal and regulatory textsmentioned in this report are available at
2. Analysis of compliance with the adopted Corporate
Governance Code
Overall, Ibersol, SGPS, SA complies with the CMVM’s corporate governance recom-
mendations, as follows: