IBERSOL - Sustainability Report 2012 - page 30

Environmental Performance is one of the sustainability
axes whereby Ibersol seeks to measure the impact of its
activity and apply measures to reduce risks.
From waste management to energy management, all
employees play a vital role in the mission of preserving
the planet.
All the units possess the Importing Packager Certifica-
te, collaborating with the national waste management
system coordinated by the Sociedade Ponto Verde. Se-
lective separation of paper, plastic and glass packaging
waste, along with used food oils, is carried out daily.
Non-reusable containers for water, beer and other be-
verages (non-returnable) are also collected in the scope
of the Verdoreca system, which helps lowers the volume
of landfill-deposited waste.
Various measures have also been implemented to lo-
wer water and energy consumption. Several years ago
the Ibersol Group launched the the E2Trade project in
all units. It aims to promote rational and efficient ener-
gy use, helping lower consumption and consequent CO
emissions in the atmosphere. Investments were there-
fore made in energy-efficient lighting. Also, some equi-
pment was replaced by other more efficient equipment
to take best advantage of the energy used. When dra-
wing up its menus, Ibersol prefers to use products of na-
tional origin, whenever possible in season. Food that is
in season, during ideal harvest time, is tastier and more
nutritious and costs less for producers. The emphasis
on Portuguese producers enhances the value of na-
tional products, which positively impacts the country’s
economy. This likewise ensures maximum freshness of
ingredients and helps protect the environment, in so far
as transport and storage times are reduced. The shorter
transport time helps cut back on CO
emissions, redu-
cing the ecological footprint of Ibersol’s supply chain.
Waste Management
The waste management system has been present in the
Ibersol Group since it began operations. In consistently
assures the separation of 100% of packaging waste ma-
terial and the recycling of used cooking oil.
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