The Ibersol Group has developed the program ‘Viva Bem’ (Live Well) with
the purpose of promoting a healthy lifestyle to their customers, which has
a main instrument of communication: the blog ‘Viva Bem’ (
- This digital space of sharing information about a
healthy lifestyle in its different forms – nutrition, sports or healthy habits –
has been gaining more and more followers, registering in 2016 an increase
of over 30,000 views.
In this blog, besides checking the available information, the customers can
ask questions about nutrition in the section ‘Espaço Nutricionistas’ (Nu-
tritionists Area) and get answers from the experts. There are also other
topics such as ‘Menus Saudáveis’ (Healthy Menus) and ‘Crianças e Escolas’
(Children and Schools).
Viva Bem
(Live Well) Program