Listening to Customers
This permanent monitoring of the customers, allows Ibersol to consolidate
the relation of trust with them, while promoting the continuous improve-
ment of the internal processes. To this end, the Group has several tools to
monitor the quality of the service of the restaurants – quality audits, satis-
faction surveys to the customer and management of the complaints recei-
ved – which provide important indicators regarding customer satisfaction.
In 2016, in Portugal and in Spain, more than 900 quality audits were
performed (Mystery Customer program) and listened to the opinion of over
140,000 customers, through the answers given in the online satisfaction
surveys (GES – Guest Experience Survey). This way, it was possible to iden-
tify areas of improvement and, whenever possible, implement immediately
corrective measures. In this context, the complaints are also received and
carefully reviewed, and give us important management indicators, which
support correction and improvement actions. Throughout 2016, a total of
632 complaints were received, corresponding to a weighted indicator of
2.46 complains over 100,000 transactions. This indicator reinforces, given
its reduced value, the positive results of the effort undertaken to ensure a
positive experience of our Customers.